Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Anne Frank Blog #2- What item could symbolize you?

Many people who were forced into the ghettos knew they would eventually be killed by the Nazis. They wanted some record to prove they existed. So they took Ringelblum milkcans, filled them with items that symbolized their existence, and buried them deep underground. Some of these milkcans are still found today when roadwork and sewer construction occurs in parts of Europe.

If you had to choose an item that symbolized who you are as a person, what would it be? Explain what it is and why it represents you.

Minimum six sentence paragraph! Remember to include your first name and first letter of your last name, as well as your period number!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Anne Frank Blog #1- What's your most prized possession?

When Anne Frank and her family went into hiding, they were only able to bring a handful of personal items with them. Anne's most prized possession while she's in hiding becomes her diary.

If you were forced to go into hiding, what important possession would you bring? Remember, you could not bring a cell phone or a computer with internet capabilities, because these items would provide a way for the Nazis to track you and locate you. It could not be a big or bulky item, because you would have to conceal it as you walked down the street towards the Secret Annex.

Six sentence paragraph minimum! Remember to put your first name and first letter of your last name at the top of your entry, along with your period number.