Monday, October 18, 2010

Outsiders Blog #2- Do the greasers have it tough?

Ponyboy refers to how life is particularly difficult for greasers when he says, "Things are tough all over, all right. All over the East Side."

Though everyone has problems in life, do greasers have it particularly tough?

Write an eight sentence paragraph that answers this question. Follow the guide below and use Mrs. Miller's hand out to help you:

*Use the t-chart Mrs. Miller gave you to plan your paragraph
*Follow the correct order for an eight sentence paragraph (topic sentence, main point, supporting details, main point, supporting details, conclusion)
*Use specific details from the book to explain/support your points.
*Follow conventions for spelling and punctuation.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Peer Pressure in The Outsiders

We can infer that the characters in The Outsiders act certain ways so they will be accepted by their peers. A peer is someone who is equal to another in age, background, or social status.

Who are your peers?
Do you ever feel pressure to dress or act like your peers?
Have you ever done anything you did not want to do because of peer pressure?
Do you think children, teenagers, or adults are more affected by peer pressure?

Remember to answer all parts of this blog, and give details to support your answers. Your entry must be at least six sentences long or it will not be published!