Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Anne Frank Blog #2- What item could symbolize you?

Many people who were forced into the ghettos knew they would eventually be killed by the Nazis. They wanted some record to prove they existed. So they took Ringelblum milkcans, filled them with items that symbolized their existence, and buried them deep underground. Some of these milkcans are still found today when roadwork and sewer construction occurs in parts of Europe.

If you had to choose an item that symbolized who you are as a person, what would it be? Explain what it is and why it represents you.

Minimum six sentence paragraph! Remember to include your first name and first letter of your last name, as well as your period number!


Anonymous said...

Charles R period 3
If i had to choose one thing to represent me i would choose my modified soccer trophy. This trophy says Most valuable player. This represents my love to play soccer. I have played since i was 8. I had the chance to play with many people that are very good. But i have been getting better and better. I felt honored to get chosen for the Mvp trophy. During the season i had all but 2 of our teams goals. My love for soccer gets bigger each year as i get better and better along with my team.

Anonymous said...

Garrett is the Bomb pr.3

My name is Garrett I am in hiding.I put a baseball trophey and a picture of my family in a milk jug. In the picture it would be a happy picture with my whole familey all my aunts and uncles grandparents and parents all smiling with my brother and cousins. The baseball trophey is a cy young trophey that I won when I was on the modified baseball team.

Anonymous said...

Kasia A. pr.3.

I had to leave behind objects, I was killed by the Nazis. To represent me, I would leave behind my special rock, and my little owl figurine. My special rock represents me because I am strong, and it changes color when it's wet, which makes it unique and I beleive I am a unique person. My little owl figurine was given to me by a friend for my birthday. I beleive my owl would represent that I am a wise person, and I give advice and help to anyone who needs it. So remember me, not as an outcast, a non-Aryan, but as a wise, strong, unique person.

Jes C. said...

Jesalyn C.
Pr. 3

I think a rough emerald, like one fresh out of the earth, would represent me. Emerald is my birthstone. I am a multi dimensional person. I have LOTS of hobbies and things that I like. Just like the gem, there are a lot of ways I could turn out, and a lot of purposes I could fufill. Depending on how you look at it, you might get a different perspective. Some people may say that I should be an artist, others may say an engineer. Someone could look at the emerald as inspiration for a painting, or someone else could see it as the inspiration for a building shape, or a way to project light. When emeralds are pulled out of the Earth, they are rough, unpolished, dirty, and yet so full of possibilities! There are so many ways it could turn out, just like me! That's why I would choose an emerald as my symbol.

Anonymous said...

Jaimee H.
period 3

My name is Jaimee. I have been forced into hiding. I know I'm going to die, and I want to leave this behind so I can be remembered in a good way. I have left behind my necklace and a piece of paper containing my running times. This necklace is extremely important to me, as it was the last thing my dad ever gave to me, and it is a great reminder of him. It is silver with a soccer ball pendant. This also shows my love for soccer. The piece of paper with my times on it is from the Erie County Interscholastic Championships (ECICs) and is very important to me. I ran my best times ever at that meet, and whenever I think about it I think of how much I have improved and how much more I can. I was really proud that day because I proved that I was the fastest girl on the distance team. It also reminds me of my great coaches and my family that supported me. Please use these objects to try to understand my life, even though by now I am probably gone.

Anonymous said...

Troy S. Period 2
My name is Troy. I'm in hiding and my situation is bleak. I'm eventually going to be killed by the Nazis. I want to be remembered, therefore I want to put one of my hokey pucks in a Ringelblum milkcan. This puck though, is special to me because I got it at a Sabres game that I attended with my dad. On the front there is a Sabres logo, and on the back there is writing and the Comissiners computrized signature. When I was at this game, the puck ended up in the Sabres bench. Lindy Ruff, the Sabres head coach turned to me and flipped the puck over the glass to me. This hockey puck symbolizes me and my love for hockey.

Anonymous said...

Konstantin L.
per 3

I would bring my book of classical guitar music, by Heitor Villa Lobos. The reason I would bring this is because theis book consists of my favorite music. I also write when i perfected the pieces inside. I would also bring my Crvena Zvezda soccer jersey. This jersey has my favorite number, 10, and my last name. That is how i would like to be remembered.

Anonymous said...

Daniel L
Period 3

During the Holocaust, many people couldn't bring many items with them when they were shipped off to the concentration camps. To combat this inconvience, they filled milkcans with one or two items of importance to them. If I was in their shoes, I would bring my three two dollaar bills, folded up and placed inside of my great grandfather's 1913 gold pocketwatch. I would bring these items with me because of there great importance to me. These bills are imortant to me because they were given to me by my grandparents. Each one gave me one bill. The pocketwatch is more valuable to me because it has been passed down generation to generation in my family. First my great grandfather gave it to my grandpa, then he gave it to my dad, and finally i recieved it. It is in a way like a family heirloom. Overall, I would bring this item due to its small size and its great value to me.

Anonymous said...

Brianna G, Per 3.
You don't know who I am because this milkcan has been buried for years. My name is Brianna, and I have a couple very important items in my life that symbolize me. In this milkcan, I left my iPod and pictures of me and all my friends in it. First, my iPod. I would leave my iPod in the milkcan because of the things on it. All the music I have symbolize my personality and a lot of pictures of me and my friends are on there also. Second, I would put the photos of me and my friends in the milkcan. They show all of the memories and fun times me and my friends have had. In conclusion, my iPod and pictures are placed in this milkcan to show who I am.

Anonymous said...

Sydney M. Per.3
My name is Sydney, and if I had to choose an item or items that could symbolize me would have to be a picture of my family and me and another picture of my friends and me. The picture of my family and I would be with my Dad and Mom who has always been supportive in what I want to do, and my little sister who has always been there. This picture would symbolize me because it means that I love my family, how close we are and how we’d do anything for each other. The other picture would be of my best friends and I. The picture would be of the friends who have gotten me through a lot of though times, and who are always there for me, and the friends that I'll always be there for as well. This picture would symbolize me because it shows how much I love my friends; how we'll always be they’re for each other, how we'd do anything for each other, and how close we have been for years!

Anonymous said...

My name is Paige and I was forced into hiding. When I went into hiding, I brought a picture of my whole family. All of my aunts, uncles, cousins, second cousins, my mom, my dad, grandmothers, grandfathers, and great aunts. This picture means so much to me because they mean so much to me and they're always there for me. I also brought my blanket I got right after I was taken home from the hospital. My mom bought me this soft, yellow blanket for me to sleep with. I put a piece of it here in this milk can. I love this blanket and it means so much to me.
P.Hill Period 3

Anonymous said...

Whitney Z. Period 3 My name is Whitney Zimmermann. When I came into hiding I brought one item with me. This item is a picture os me and my dad and a picture of me and my mom. Both these pictures would be put in a little jewlery box I got when I was little. When yousee this item i want you to remember who i was and who my family was. I want everyone to remember not only me but my parents because if it wasent for them I wouldnt be who I am today. I have many more things I would put in here, but these pictures explain me and who my family is. One last thing i would try and put in there is a little glass dancer my nana got me the first year i started dancing. I am a huge dancer and it is pretty much my life so it would definatly have to be in there. I wish i could put so much more in here but these two things do the best thing of explaining me.

Anonymous said...

Jocie L. PER.3
My name is Jocelyn Lorenz and if you found this then you could tell alot about me. Inside this can is my prized possesion: the Beatles and my stuffed animal mouse. My mouse's name is Mousey. She has gone through everything with me and comforts me when I need it. I'm thankful for her and even though she is wore down and old from all of our adventures together, she is the prettiest thing I own. So, please take care of her. Next is my Beatles albums. The Beatles are my all time favorite band and their music is like the soundtrack to my life. I can't imagine a world without their music in it. The songs make me happy or calm me down, they make me laugh or cry. I want to be remembered for my love of their music and I don't want them to be forgotten either. Please take care of my belongings, their all I have left to prove I existed...

Anonymous said...

Marina T Per: 3
My name is Marina, and like many others, I have been forced into a concentration camp. I have a milkcan, and I want to put something in it to symbolize me. I think I'll put in this photo album filled with pictures. The album is white with blue and green dots. I have pictures of my family and friends who greatly influence my life. My mother, father, sister, half brother, and maggie (my dog) are my dear family. I have a picture of my soccer team with a trophy we won at a tournament, my friends jaimee, erin, and brianna trying on dresses, places around the world I've visited like Paris, and pictures of any animals I see. These pictures can symbolize who I am. My favorite colors are blue and green, how I LOVE my family and friends, activities I like doing, everything I have seen, and how much I LOVE animals!!! I think this album is the perfect symbol for me.

Anonymous said...

Erin B., Period 3

My name is Erin and I have been forced into hiding. Living in the ghettos has been horrendous and I believe I may never get out of this nightmare alive. I want to make sure that I am remembered no matter what is to happen to me or my family so I am leaving behind the song that I wrote entitled "Just Believe" and an excerpt from my unfinished story "Heart and Soul."

My one love is music and I will play my piano for hours on end. Since my family and I have been forced to leave our home I havn't found a piano or any instrument of any kind but I still hoped I would so I could play my composition one more time. Now I feel that I may never get that chance so I am leaving that behind, hoping that you or whoever ends up reading this will play it and imagine my life and what I must have been like.

With the music I put a story that I started but never got the chance to finish. Who knows? Maybe you or someone you know will end up finishing it for me and it will be published.

I dream of a day that no race is ever persacuted and no family will ever have to endure what many families are going through right now. Hopefully by leaving these pieces of me I will be remembered and my legacy will live on through you or someone else.

Gabby C Pr. 3 said...

By now if you found this Ringelblum milk can then I have been gone for a while and I didn’t want to be forgotten. My name is Gabrielle Canino and I am 14 years old. My necklace would represent who I am as a person. The reason why is because, it has my name on it. I got it when I was around the age of 3/4 from the Zoo. Another thing is my heart charm bracelet I got it on Christmas from my cousin. And it is very special to me. One last thing is my blue BFF bracelet me and my 2 other friends share it the one has purple and the other one has the green bracelet. And so these pieces of jewelry are special to me and represent who I am.

Anonymous said...

Ali Paige. Period 3. (:

Something that symbolizes myself, as a person, is a picture of my brother and I. My brother means the world and more to me, and I don't know what I would do with out seeing and talking to him every day. One night while we had friends over I had carried him on my shoulders because no one had thought that I was strong enough. There were many pictures taken because people were amazed, but my older brother is tall and skinny, so it wasn't very hard to hold him up. I know I can always be myself with my brother, and I trust him with my life. We tell each other almost everything, and we always joke around and have pretended fights. A picture of my brother and I shows my personality and how close we are.

Anonymous said...

joseph m. per.3

If I had to go into hiding and had to bring one thing that symbolize me it would be a yearbook. i would put this in there so if i do die then who ever digs it up they will see who ever went to tonawanda middle school.also i would put a photo of my family with the names next to them so people will have records of who died. it would be helpfull so if any family member or friend will know who died and or lived.with all the stuff i would bring the survivers would know how many people died in the genisied.if some one i knew found it it would be helpfull so they can remeber all their friends that died.

Anonymous said...

Alex O. Per.3

The item that i would leave would be a picture of me and my family. It would be a picture of me, my mother, father, and sister. If someone finds the picture they would know who went through all the is/was going on. They would know how much I loved my family. I would also leave a note on the back of the picture that explains where we came from, who we are, how we got here, etc. That way people will remember us/know how much I loved my family, if they find it, when we die.

Anonymous said...

Michael G. Period 3
My name is Michael Gertis. It has been a while now since I have been placed here in the ghettos. I know the Nazis won't let me live for long so I am going to put some things in a milkcan and hide it so that when some one finds it they will know something about me after I'm gone. The things I am going to put in this can is a picture of me and my family along with my shirt from the first school I went to. These are important to me because my family has always been there with me and that school is where I grew up and it brings back great memories of when I was little and used to go there. These are the things that I am going to put in the milkcan. I am going to hide them here in the ghettos so that someday some one will know about me.

Anonymous said...

Jon T.

If I could choose one thing to symbolize me it would be my resistance cords from home. I would choose this because it is my favorite tool to use when working out and this represents me. Working out is not all of the idea though, this represents me I am the kind of person that constantly wants to improve myself and push myself to be the best me that I can. Also I would put a pocket knife in. I would put in a pocket knife because it represents pain and somtimes pain makes me work harder and push myself to be better than I was. I guess you could say that pain is my coach, it tells me when im wrong, it makes me work harder and it humbles me when im on top. Both of these items are not only my possesions but they are who I am.

Anonymous said...

Kyle.N Per.3

If I had to leave and could only leave one or two things to symbolize me i would have a hard time choosing. I think I would leave a hockey puck and a swimming trophy. I would leave a hockey puck because I love hockey. Hockey is my favorite sport and I play it alot. I would also leave a swimming trophy. I like to swim alot. I have been swimming sense I was a little kid. I believe these two objects symbolize me well and thats why I would leave them.

Anonymous said...

Matthew B. period 3

My name is Matthew Bowser, and I am long since gone from this earth. I have put the possesion of mine that I feel best represents me. This possesion is my orange SHINE! bracelet. This is a symbol of how I tried to let my personality shine no matter where I went and what happned. This means that I will openly would share my opinion with others about anything. I hope that whoever finds this can will appreciate why I made this and will let my life live on in peoples' hearts.

Anonymous said...

Alaina H. Period 3

The item that symbolizes me would be my silver heart neclace. It has my birth stone and name engraved on it. This item would prove I existed. Also it is some of the most basic things about me. It shows my love and passion that I have. Also it is something that I, and my family would, treasure forever. This is the item that symbolizes me the most.

Anonymous said...

John Gerace period 2

My name is John. If i was every forced into hidding I would leave one item behind to remember me by. That one item I would leave behind would be my laptop. I would leave this because saved on my laptop are documents created by me. This will show people who I was and what I was like based on my writing and art work and any saved videos and/or, pictures. I think this would be a great way to leave behind my mark.

Anonymous said...

Kari K. pr 2.

My name is kari, you probably dont know me because i have been in hiding for quite sometime now. I would like for people to find my Ringelblum milkcan, and look at my one item and discover who i am. If i had an oppurtunity to only put one item to symbolize me, i would put a picture of me and my family together. The picture would show how much my family means to me, and that we all worked together to hide and try to stay alive. My family raised me since i was born, and we have been together ever since. My family has created who i am today, mainly my mom and dad. They have shown me right from wrong, and showed me how to live even in rough times like hiding.

Anonymous said...

if i were to die i would pick to leave behind my urn with my dads ashes in it. my dad died in 09 and its something i have from him.i love him very much. if i died ibn a concentration camp. i love my family. good bye all.
danny P per 2

Anonymous said...

Alyssa A period 2

if i had to choose what item would symbolize me most would have to be a sketch pad. i would choose this because i love to draw and sketch,art. i would also choose this because i have always liked to draw and i would want people to know that. it is very important to me that people know this instead of something else because i clearly dont like to do anything better than art. i would also draw pitures of what my life was like while i was still alive. hence, i would only choose a sketch pad for every reason.

Anonymous said...

Noah B period 2
If I had to go into the ghettos I would bring something that would repressent me. That thing would be my favorite sheet music for the piano. I would do this because of my liking for this music and because I learned how to play the piano. And because I am interested in how the piano works. I would also bring this so if I don't survive the ghettos at least the people that find this could at least play this. I would also bring this with me so I could remember how music helped me. Finally I would Bring this music for many reasons, the most important I thing would be to remember the music.

Anonymous said...

Justin P Period 5
If I had to choose one item that symbolized me, it would be my Ocarina. The Ocarina is an instrument of mine that sounds like a mix of a flute and a recorder. My Ocarina is blue with three yellow triangles on the mouthpiece. This item symbolizes me because I love to play music. I got my Ocarina a few years ago for Christmas, and I have been practicing it everyday ever since.

Anonymous said...

Melissa H. period 5
My name is melissa holler. If i had to choose one thing to represent me i would bring a size 1 soccer ball and a picture of me playing soccer. I would bring these things because i love to play soccer. Soccer is my life. These things would represent me. I couldnt go a day without playing or talking soccer.

Anonymous said...

Rebecca S. period 5

If i had to chose one thing to represent me, I would chose my charm bracelet. I would chose this because it explains who I am and what I am like. It decribes my personality by each charm. There are charms of things that I love. There dog, family, friend, cat, and lots of other chrams that represent me. I would want ohter people to see them and what I love.

Anonymous said...

Stephanie M. Period 5.

If I had to choose one things to represent me it would be my notebook. This notebook is sort of like a diary to me. It has all of my experiences and important events in it. Also, all of my stories are written in here. I think that the notebook would tell a lot about me and my life. It would show that I love to write.

Anonymous said...

Bailey M. pr 5

Hi. My name is Bailey M. and i am a jew. Me and my family have been in hiding for the past 15 months and have recently been discovered by the Nazis who are now taking us to a concentration camp to be put to work. I fear i will die soon, so i put two things in a milk jug to represent myself when i have died. Those two things are my camera and my ipod. I put my camera in there to represent my love for photography, and also so people can look through the pictures on it and see my life when i was happy with my friends and family. I put my ipod in there so people could get an idea of who i am by listening to my favorite songs. When i am dead i hope someone will find my stuff and know that i once lived a happy life before the Holocaust.

Anonymous said...

Megan McGee Period: 5

My nme is Megan, and I am in hiding. If I had to leave one thing to symbolize me it would be my softball glove and trophies. I would leave these items to show that I love softball. I have been playing softball since I was 4 years old. I get better and better at softball every year. The trophies will show my success in softball, and my glove just represents that I play softball!

Anonymous said...

Haley Snyder period 5


if was going into hiding i would put a small basketball into my milk jug. and a picture of my family. i want the picture because it will remind me that i still have one. and that they will still love me no matter what. and i want a small basketball, because i love playing basketball. i play almost everyday. it will is my most prised possesion. since a real basketball wont fit into a milk jug

Anonymous said...

Brandon Frye perioud 3
If i had to choose one thing to represemt me i would choose my football trophy. This truphy says best defensive back. I would bring this because it shows how much i like playing football. And by doing that i will get better and better every year. I felt proud of that because it was a trophy that i worked twords all year and i finally got it. And next year i will try to get it again because defence is one of my favorite things to do for football.

Anonymous said...

if i went into hidding and i had to grab somethings that simbalize me. i would have to grabe my dads photo, my dads gold necklise, and my dads gold brase nuckels. the reason i would pick my dads photo is so that i can remamber what he looks like.i would bring my dads gold necklise because he always had it on him and it means alot to me because he is no longer with me. i would bring the gold brase nuckles so i hade something to do when i get board. that is all that i think simbalize me.
david bronson

Anonymous said...

i brang something to symbolize me it would be a football trophy .it symbolizes me by it shows that i like football.,it alshow that i play football. i like to play safty i can tackle people.it i brought something thats wht iwould bring .those aRE THE THING THAT SYMBOLIZE ME

Anonymous said...

Sierrah U. Per 5

My name is Sierrah I am hiding froim the Nazis. I am going to put a picture of me, my family and, friends, in a jar and barry it. The picture would have my mom and me hugging each other and smiling with my dad, brothers Dustin and Kyle. My best friends Meghan and Madison, hugging each other and smileing.So that if anyone were to see it they would no that me and my family did have fun when we were alive. With my friends and Family. So if I don't servive from this disaster someone will no about me and my wonderful friends family.

Anonymous said...

Alison Wozniak Period5
If I had to chose one thing to represent me I think I'd put in this photo album filled with pictures. The album is purple with black stripes. I have pictures of my family and friends who I love a lot. My Mom, Brother, Sister, are my close family. I have a picture of Me and my bf, my friends Bialey and Kelly Goofing around, and pictures of cool places I'd like to see. These pictures can symbolize who I am. My favorite colors are Purple and black, how much I love my family and friends,and what I like to do.

Anonymous said...

Leslie R PER.5

I dont really have anything that represents the person I am. I guess one thing would be my writtings.Sometimes when I am bored I would write done things on paper.Also sometimes I also draw. With my writtings people could tell that not only do I like to write but I also was a funny/nice person.As you can see I would be represented by some random things I write and they could tell what type of person I am.

Anonymous said...

Taylor W. Per.5
My Name is Taylor, In Holland Of 1940 my town was invaded by he Nazi. My entire family and I went into hidding leaving behind out four dogs and beutiful country farm. We hid in a seacret celler beneath the Old barn that my father built a few years prior to the war when my father had first herd of hitlers rise to power, and now we put it to use. We had basic needs such as toiletries, food and blankets as well as prized possetion. I brought along what you see in this can, within that leather photo book are pichtures of my family as well as extended family and pets (in order of appearence...my Mother and my Father, my sister, her husban and thire child, my Aunt Barbra with her husband my Uncal Danial and my Aunt Suesan and my Uncal Gary. The next pages have my cuzins (In order of apperence)Joanna, Jeffrey his wife melissa and thier children, Danial and his wife, Steven and Melinda. Lastly my pets, my beloved Cats Tootsie, Duchess and henry as well as my dogs Kissy, Woody Gypsye and Belle.
This represents my because i am compasionate and love my family who I have

Anonymous said...

Andrew Ball Period 6
If I had to choose one thing to be my symbolize me it would be my game winning grand-slam baseball.Th is represent me because i love baseball. I could not live with out baseball. I hit that ball over the fence i was so proud that day. My skill for baseball get better every day and it the best sport on earth. I am Andrew and that what i would put in the milk jug.

Anonymous said...

Megan Miller. Per.6
If i had to choose one thing in my life that represents me, i would choose a flashdrive of some pictures. This flashdrive would contain some pictures of family, friends, and myself. I have many friends who live in different states, and in different countries. So, to have some pictures of me and them, or just those people. I would also choose my IPod to represent me. My IPod has pictures, videos, and music that will tell people what i liked and who i was.

Anonymous said...

Dylan Mayer

When i was alive i was worried about being killed by the Nazis, but as time passed it felt inevitable. I want to be remembered and have someone know i exsisted. I left a large amount of money to show my ability to save money and run buisness. i also left behind my notepads to show my ideas for life and other activities or projects, and my love for what is in the notepads. I haope someone finds this and shows the world so im not forgotten.

Anonymous said...

Haley M Period 6

If I had to chose one thing that represents me it would be my red ruby ring. My mom gave it to me when I was very young, and I kept it ever sence. She said that it was passed on from my great grandmother. If I ever lost this ring I would be devistated becasue it's the only thing I have left of my mom. The ring is 14 carrot gold and has a small red ruby in a middle. In conclusion, my ring symbolizes me.

Anonymous said...

If I knew that the Nazi's where coming to kill me, I would bring my stuffed dog Junior. I had him since I was four years old, my opa and oma gave him to me. Right now he is ten years old and he is in good shape. I would chose him because he symbolizes protection. He gives me memories of my opa and oma, they died a couple of years ago. He is the only thing left I have from them. I remember what my opa said, he said "This is a special dog, he will protect you from anything, nightmares and everything that worries you, take good care of him!" Now like Junior, I protect everyone of my friends, that why he symbolizes me!

Isabella W.

Anonymous said...

Justin A per 6

If i had to choose one thing to represent me i would choose my shark in a jar. I would bring this because the shark is tough and this will prove that i am a tough guy. It is also means i stick up for other.Another thing i would bringwith me is my wrestling medal. I would bring this because this means i am a fighter. An that i will not give up. those are the things i would put in a milk can.

Anonymous said...

If I had to choose an item that symbolized who I am as a person it would be my softball glove. A softball glove represents me becuase softball is my life. I play softball year round, and I have a deep passion in it. I have owned my glove for over 6 years, since I was 7 years old. It is a Rawling, black and creme colored glove. I practice almost everyday in the summer and play travel, and school ball. In the beginning I wasn't very good and my glove represents my hard work to where I am in my career now.

Ellie Clark, period 6.

Anonymous said...

Tyler Hennessy period 6

if you have found this large milk jar, i am most likely dead. Me and my family have been forced into hiding by the nazis. Inside this milk jug you will find my revolver. This revolver was used in the early nineteen hundreds by those of who i am not aware. My uncle bought this antique revolver for me the irst time i went hunting. I shot my first rabbit with this revolver and i hold it very near to me. My name is Tyler, and this is my final sentiment.

Anonymous said...

Yolanda G per 6

If I was in the ghettos and i could burrey one thing it would be a flag drive. I would put all of the pictures and videos of me in my life. I would choose this because this would tell the person who sees it all about me and who i am. I would make a video introducing my self, it would basically be an autobiograpy just on a flashdrive.

Anonymous said...

Ben D. Period 6

I f I had to choose one thing to represent me it would be my fire explorers uniform because it symbolizes me helping and caring for people. Also my community. I t also symbolizes i want to grow up to be a fireman. I f possible i would also like to put my police scanner. I would like to bring it because it also symbolizes i care about where i live. Also the people that live in NY. I f I was to be taken to a conc. camp I hope when someone finds will be inspired to be a fireman.

Anonymous said...

Alexis M. Period 6

If I were to choose a few things to represent me I would choose my iPod and few pictures of me with my best friend and family. Music is one of the things in my life i couldnt live without. My ipod would show who ever were to find this my love of music. Also I would put a picture of me and my cousin Alana. She is my best friend and is so important to me. I would put a picture with me and my siblings, my mom, and my dad.

Anonymous said...

Omry B thinks your #1!!!, period 6 If I had to choose one thing to represent me I would choose my Ryan Miller hockey jersey. This jersey would show that I like hockey and also show that I like Ryan Miller as a player. This jersey means alot to me because my dad got it for me when we went to one of my first games and I have had it for a long time so that is why I would choose my jersey to represent me if someone found it.

Anonymous said...

Hello, this is Carlie Karcher speaking. I will be long gone when you get this letter and items.(if you ever get this) I am writing this letter so you know what has happened to me and my family and why I chose these items. Right now I am in the geto and the natzies will be comming for me so I am putting this letter and my items in this can. The items are my Teddy bear, and my photo album. I chose these items for many reasons, my photo album has photos of my family and me riding my bike, playing all of my favorite sports and games (basket ball, base ball, and playing monopoly. with my brother, sister, my dad, and my mother and my grand mother.) I also chose my teddy bear because my grand mother gave it to me. It was hers from when she was a little girl. It then was my mothers then my sisters then mine. It came from my great great great great great great granmother. (6 generations ago.) It gets passed down from mother to daughter to little siser and so on. So it means alot to me. That is why I am writing this and why i chose these items. Take care of these things for me and pass the teaddy bear down from generation to generation for me.

Thank You
Carlie Karcher (Period 6)

Anonymous said...

Logan Mangin per 8
If you are reading this than the worst has happened. What you are to find in this milk jug will be one of my most prized possesions, along with this letter. What this item is is a necklace from my father that he gave me when I was young. It is the necklace of Saint Peter and it symbolises good virtue and honesty. It is incredibly important to me because it once belonged to my father, and it belonged to his father, and so on for many generations. If I have any childern when this can is uncovered, and I probably will, I wish it to be given to them to carry on the tradition. That is all I have to say, goodbye.

Anonymous said...

Zachary Riviera Period:8

if i was going to pick an item to represent me i would pick a picture of a dragon. this represtents iternal life. i picked this because even though i am gone my life will be remembered for a very long time. i have also picked this symbol for my love of dragons. since i was a kid i have always loved dragons just the thought of something that lives forever was great. AS i get older i can not come to forget my love for dragons it like they are forever placed in my soul snd life.

Anonymous said...

Erika S Period,8.

If i had to pick an item that represents me would be my sapphire birth-stone necklace. This represents the month I was born, september. It has EMS my initals on the back. This necklace means alot to me. It was from my dad for my thirteenth birthday. I always wanted a really beautiful sapphire necklace. It reminds alot of my family since some of my cousins and aunts and uncles were born in september.

Anonymous said...

Brandon G period 8
If i had to choose one thing to represent me i would choose my first football trophy that i ever got. this is because it means alot to me. i got it when i use to play for TFC (tonawanda football clinic). the trophy says on it most valuable player. it would show that i loved the sport football. this will be able to show to the people who had found it that football was my passion.

Anonymous said...

Thomas D. period 8.

If I was in hiding and I could choose one thing to represent me I would choose my sketch book. When people think of a sketch books people think of drawing, but I do many things in my sketch book. I make sketchs, drawings, come up with random ideas, write music, and draw random skits. I think that if anyone found this it could tell alot about me and my love of art and music. My sketch book is important to me because it makes my ideas and thoughts more BOLD to me, it lets me write done my random ideas I've been thinking for a while. My sketch book tells alot about me, what I like, and maybe my personality. :D

Anonymous said...

Austin Henderson per 8

If there was one thing that I would choose to represent me it would be my Derek Jeter rookie card. I would pick this item because it means a lot to me. I got it for christmas from my mom. Derek Jeter is not only my favorite Yankees player, but my favorite MLB player. He has been on the Yankees for ao long and when he started with them he was number 24 and now he's number 2. Derek Jeter is not like some players who staroids and he now hlods the record for most hits. Hopefully one day I can go to a Yankees game and get it signed and then it would be worth tons of money. That's why I would choose my Derek Jeter rookie card to represent me.

Anonymous said...

Nathan H period 8
If i had to choose two things to put in a milk jug that represent me i would choose my livestrong bracelet and a soccer jersey. The soccer jersey represents my love to play soccer. I started playing soccer when i was 4 and began playing Travel when i was 9. The jersey would be my current travel jersey with the number 21 on the back. I would bring my Livestrong Bracelet to represent my courage and strength. Those are the reasons why i would put those items in a milk can.

Anonymous said...

Chris R. Period 8
If I had to choose items to get put in a milkjug that symbolize me I would choose family photos taken since I was a baby and my favorite book, Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Theif. I would put these in it to show my family and to represent my interest in history and my like to read. I would put my family's "master photo album" in it. This has pictures of many important moments in the family. I love the Percy Jackson series and have read every one of them. I still hope that a sequel series will come out soon.

Anonymous said...

Sarah S. Period 8

If I were to live in the ghettos I would bring something that means a lot to me. One thing that means a lot to me is a framed photograph of my whole family. This picture really means a lot to me because I will always be able to remember my family if something bad happened to them. I will know my family will always be with me. I might also bring one of my small cheerleading trophies. They represent me because I love cheerleading, it is my favorite sport.

Anonymous said...

Nicole Bui pr.8
I am Nicole Bui. I know that I can not survive in hiding much longer. The nazis are closing in. I want to be remembered so I left some things here in our hidout. I left some of my best drawings from when I was young to now. My draiwngs would show that I was a creative and paitent person. It would also show some of my life expiernces through my art. I would also leave some of my favorite music sheets. The type of music could show what kind of person I am.

Anonymous said...

Jacob L. per.8

If I ever had to go into hiding I would choose two items to take with me to represent who I was. The first item I would take would be my Beatles poster. This would represent my favorite band and what kind of music I like. I have liked the Beatles for a very long time, ever since I heard my Grandpa listening to them and he told me who they were. The second item I would take would be a Hackie Sack. This item would represent that I liked to play Hackie Sack. Hackie Sack was first introduced me to Hackie Sack when my Dad was showing me how to play, but I haven't actually played Hackie Sack until I played with Mr. Hardleben.

Anonymous said...

Meghan T. period 8
If I had to choose things to represent me I would first choose my soccer jersey. My soccer jersey represents who I am because it's the one thing that has stayed consistant in my life. I've been playing since I was 2 1/2 years old. When I play with my jersey, I feel in a complete other world and that just comforts me. Another thing I would bring that would represent me is my photo album with my best friend in it. She was my sister and those pictures showed what kind of a friend I am, and who I would associate myself with. The last thing I would choose is my soccer trophey. This shows how hard working I am and how I strive to be the best. This was the first trophey I won with my family and we worked harder then anyone could imagine. It means a lot to me just like my jersey because I scored the tying goal. If that didn't happen, we wouldn't have gone to the shootout and won. The trophey reminds me of how family and friends are so important in one persons life.

Anonymous said...

Sam A Period 8
If i had to choose somethings that i would say represented me i would choose my trophy from football. this trophy is the most outstanding Offenive lineman trophy. this shows that i like to play football. This also shows that i am good on the offencive line. This trophy means alot to me because my Dad loves the sport of Football and so do i. when my dad played football he was #72 and somehow that is my favorite number.

Anonymous said...

Melissa L. Period 8
If I had to choose one thing that I thought represents me I think i would bring my little photo album. These photos would be of me and my family. There would be a picture of my family and I. This would includ my parents and two sisters. Also I would have a picture of my cat and dog in the album. I love animals so these two pictures would represent my love for them. Also I would put a picture of me and my papa in there. I feel family supports you the most, they support me in cheerleading and everything else I do. That is what I love about my family. This photo album I feel represents me the most.

Anonymous said...

Stephanie F period 8
If I had to choose somthing to represent me I would choose one of my old family pictures and my old diary. The picture shows that I love my family, it would have everyone in it my mom, dad, brothers, grandma, aunts, and so on. I never want to lose that picture so when it is found keep good care of it. I would also bring my diary to show how my life was and what I felt while I was writing in it. I've had the diary since I was about 5 so it means a lot. These two items are very special to me and I dont want to lose them at any time. I just hope they will last forever.

Anonymous said...

Kayla Jankowski. Period 8
If I had to choose one thing to represent who I am, it would be my CD's. I would choose this because I love music, and expressing who I am. The CD's would be of Taylor Swift, Creed, and many more. The songs on the CD's would show how I love all different kinds of music. It will also show that im not afriad to be myself. Different song remind me of different people, and things that have happened in my life. It brings back precious memories and all the fun times I've had with my friends and family.

Anonymous said...

Rachel A. Period 8

If i had to chose any item to get buried in a milkcan i would chose a picture of me and my family and a softball. The picture of me and my family means alot to me. They have been through everything with me. I would choose to put a softball in there too because it sums up my life. I have played softball since 1st grade and i love it. I play it all year round and i play it pretty much everyday in the summer. In conclusion the picture and a softball show who i am.

Anonymous said...

Corey T Period 8
If I had to choose one thing to put into a milk jug I would pick my phone. I chose my phone because at that point I woudnt need it. I would put it in a milk jug with the charger so somebody could turn it on and see the advances in technology that were made. I would have many pictures of the ghettos on it so someone could see how bad it was. It would also have pictures of other events like the nazis taking over. As you can see I would leave my phone in the milk jug.

Anonymous said...

Tristan Boling period 8
If i had to choose one thing to represent me i would choose my modified football trophy. this trophy is an MVP trophy. It shows my love for football. I started playing at 8 years old. This means alot to me because football is my future in life. When im playing football theres nothing better than that feeling.

Anonymous said...

kyle z pr 8

my name is kyle and ii have been forced into hiding and will die soon. i am puting some things into a milk jug so that when someone digs up the ground they will find it. the first thing that i would put in the jug is a picture of my familly. in the picture it will show me my brother and my mom and dad. my parents made it possebile for me to live through life with hard times. the second thing i would put in is a trophie of bowling. bowling helped me alot and gave me something to do in my spare time. those would be the two things that i would put in my times capsel.

Anonymous said...

Tiffany A Period 8

The objects I would bring that represents me would be a picture of my friends and I in 5th grade when we were getting ready for middle school. I think it represents me because I love being with my friend. Also we have had great times together since 2nd grade. I would also bring a picture of my family on our last vacation. We had a lot of fun and memories. It represents me because I care a lot about my family. If someone found my picture I want them to know how much I love my family and friends.

Anonymous said...

Maranda Ray,period 8.
If I was forced into hiding and had to choose what I wanted to be left behind,I would choose a picture of me and my sister.I would choose the picture of me and my sister because my life would be so much different if I didn't have a sister.We have been through so much together,and in the end we were always there for each other. She's one of the people I can be myself around,and someone who I tell basically everything to.I know she will always be there for me,and i'll always be there for her.I would choose many more things if I could,but if I had to choose,it would be a picture of me and my sister.

Anonymous said...

Amanda Przybyl

If I was forced to go into hiding in a ghetto I would bring things that would represented me to put in Ringelblum milkcans. I would bring a pair of dance shoe. I'd bring them because im a dancer and dance shoes will show that. I would also put a picture of my family. Also one of my favorite CDs to show who I like and that I like music. Those are only a few things that I could put in the milkcans to represnt me.

Anonymous said...

Meghan B period 2
If I had to choose something that would represent me and would keep safe would be the ring I gave my grandmother and the bracelet my brother gave me. 1st the ring I gave my grandmother because when I was little I gave my grandma a mood ring that said I Love You on it. She wore it untill the day she died and it ment a lot to me. 2nd the bracelet my brother gave me because it was an Army braclet and said Army Strong. This bracelet can't be found anywhere, and when he got it he gave it to me. It represented me because he gave to me when our family was going through a really tough time and I was staying strong through anything. Whenever I look at them it makes me feel better.